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How to connect INCA to RTA-SK XCP

Used toolchain

ISOLAR-ABv 4.0.2
RTA-BSWv 3.1
INCAv 7.2



This Application Notes describes how to configure INCA to interface with the RTA-SK project using XCP module based on CAN.


You must have the following ETAS software installed:

  • ISOLAR-AB 4.0.2
  • RTA-BSW 3.1
  • INCA 7.2

This application note could be used as a reference for any generic AR based project.


  • RTA-SK CAN is connected to the PC
  • RTA-SK software is running
  • A2L file is synchronized with the XCP module configuration and memory mapping

Project Configuration

Create a new folder and a new Workspace in INCA Data Base object

Then add the ECU project importing the A2L form "RTA-SK"

At this stage INCA will ask to add an hex file. Since this is not required at the moment, select a dummy hex file:

Channel set-up

From the workspace, select the Hardware icon:

Search for the connected hardware:

From the listed hardware select the one connected to the board, and select XCP protocol

In the next window select the ECU project generated at the previous step

Channel connection

Connect INCA to the ECU

If the connection is completed (INCA can communicate with the ECU), the ECU will be marked by a green icon

Upload calibration from ECU to INCA

This step is required to synchronize the calibration value between the ECU and INCA:

  • Opene the “Manage Memory Page Management” window, and go to the tab “Enanched”
  • Configure:
    • Action = Upload
    • From = ECU
    • To = Working Page
  • Press Do it


Now is possible to open the experiment, and add calibration and measurement to it

Press play to start the sampling